In the Brewery Neighborhood for Breakfast


photo 2

This week we met at the New Day Bakery in the Whiteacre neighborhood.  Again missing Jane, but everybody ( Jan, Penelope, Barb A. and Erik) had fun anyway.  It was a beautiful day.

photo 5

photo 2

Penelope was touching up previous sketches

photo 3

Barb A. was attracted to the morning glories on the fence.

photo 3

Erik loves those figs and added a little color to them.

photo 4

He also took a few photos.

photo 1

Jan made a nice drawing of the Kokopelli on the fence, and added a beautiful orange.


One response to “In the Brewery Neighborhood for Breakfast”

  1. Jane Avatar

    Great pics! It’s raining here, my sketching skills have reached a new low, I miss you, too! Other than that.,.