Maurie Jacobs Park, Eugene, OR
The early bird sketchers: Peggy, Jim, Marsha, Katie, Bitty, & Barb Sh.
Peggy really got into the trees – forms, color, texture. Well done.
Nice to have Bitty back. She sketched trees…and Peggy!
Interesting to see how Hugh started with a line drawing, then color!
Here are Hugh & Sandy, saying “I may not sketch today.” But she did.
Laura & Barb So chat, then Laura gets to work – trees and…
Marsha went down to the bridge to sketch, & got geese, too. Nice!
Barb So came across the bridge, hence: trees, people, geese!
And what’s Barb Sh up to? Geese, geese, and , more geese!
Jane discovered the frustration of sketching in the shade – green?
Back from a trip, Jim chose the play equipment, all in context, too.
Katie was determined to finish last week’s sketch – a house snuck in!
We’re just naturally curious to see each other’s work – Jim, Marsha, Katie, Peggy, Barb So, Sandy, Hugh.
Marsha, Barb So; Hugh, Laura, Sandy; Jim, Sandy, Hugh, Katie & bike.
Treat for viewing this far, a Tutti snuggle with Laura & Marsha.