Lots to Sketch at Fifth St. Market

5th St. Market (lower level), Eugene, OR

Here are most of us: Tricia; Penelope, Barb So., Erik; behind the column is Bev with Penny & Lealan, and far right is Daisy (with Jane).

Penelope, Barb So., & Erik were busy from the time they sat down!

       Erik was working on a wheat field he’d seen, while Barb So sketched what was right in front of her on the table.

       Penelope would like us to think that she got the blueberry Danish purely for sketching reasons. It sure vanished fast after the sketch!

Bev, Penny, & Lealan had a nice selection of being in the sun or not.

      Here you can see how Bev’s sketch developed – ink then color.

       Lealan goes right to color – markers, that is. She says she likes the effect in the one done at Diamond Lake, more like what she wants.

        Suddenly I noticed that all three were sketching in their laps, just like Penelope & Barb So.   Penny was sketching flower baskets above us.

     Daisy was sketching in her lap, too, determined to make that rooster sculpture in the fountain pop off the page – ta dah!


Jane didn’t have Penelope’s control over her subject before she finished her sketch. (YUM!) Next she laid down paint before ink.

    Satoko joined Tricia (both sketching in their laps!). Satoko’s attention was caught by the rooster in the fountain, too.


Tricia started with the flowers on the balcony above us, and ended with a colorful rendition of “Swifty” the market rooster icon.


One response to “Lots to Sketch at Fifth St. Market”

  1. Ann Shaver Avatar
    Ann Shaver

    Love them all! Ann