Lynda, Eva, BarbSh, Katie, Bitty, BarbSo, Peggy, Danita, Marsha, Laura.BarbSh brought her LaRomita memory book entry, demoed using a plastic lid palette.BarbSo had a page with Hugh’s carved stamp, sweet portrait of Laura & elf friend.This was a change for Bitty – Caran de Ache crayon portraits on black paper – nice!Danita did a close up in her big sketchbook of what was in front of her!After downing her coffee, Eva looked over her left shoulder to sketch the plant below.When not taking photos, Jane looked the other way to sketch the Duck flag.What a combo – Katie sketched her scone, and Laura across the aisle.And here’s Laura sketching her little elf friend – what a cutie!After some deliberation, Lynda chose a challenging view to sketch.Marsha was on a portrait kick, too, white crayon & pencil on black papger – wow!Peggy made the most of her view out the window – just wait til she adds color to this!Surprise, Helga’s back! And Katie brought Channing Rudd, a newcomer to town & Emerald Vally Art Center, to see what we’re all about. Welcome!