Barry’s Southtowne, Eugene, OR
We couldn’t resist coming back here (for the THIRD time in a row!): Erik, Judy Carter, the Barbs (Barb S-N, Barb So, Barb Sh), Ken, Jan.
Barb S-N welcomes Judy Carter to our gathering, encouraging her to sketch the quince blossom Jane brought, but Judy already had something in mind – a colorful interpretation of a photo she had.
So Barb S-N painted her own vision of the quince blossoms.
Barbs So and Sh were catching up on their previous sketches, and discovered their cyclamen sketches done at a previously meeting.
Erik got in a quick sketch of the quince before doing his signature color treatment with Crayon d’Arche tools. Always so rich.
Jane tested how the Derwent Graphitint pencils blend (see patches at top of page, colors over Meadow) before doing her quince sketch.
Ken and Jan are seen intently sketching – Ken’s secret to success: he borrows Jan’s tools (which she just now discovered!)
Jan says she just sketches with whatever she has on hand – wow!
Barb So is sketching a different quince, using her travel palette.
Barb Sh adds to her page from last week, and Sandy sneaks in for a quick preliminary sketch before going off to sculpture class.
Barb A stopped by before her stint at New Zone Gallery. Penelope shows us her latest Jane LaFazio project page (fabulous!).
Penelope brought her own model – blossoms from her apple tree.