People or Trees? Trees or People?

Tradewinds @ Jiffy, Eugene, OR

   We love the new venue at what used to be Jiffy Market – Tradewinds, specializing in Greek food (& pastry). We specialize in sketching! Shown are Penelope, Barb So, Lealan, Bev, Satoko, Ken, Nancy D, and Erik (with Jane behind the camera).

It started off with Barb Sh showing us her comic strip approach.

        Then Penelope showed us her handmade accordion book, just right to record a short adventure trip. Ken got a kick out of the fold out.

Penelope soon got busy sketching people around her with a pencil which has multi-colors of lead – isn’t that a surprising effect!

        Nancy (a Portlander) went on the 2016 sketch trip to Italy with Ken – fun to catch up with her, and have her back sketching with us, too.

     The Barbs get sketching people, and Barb Sh even includes a tree.

    What have you been drawing, Lealan? Ah, shucks, it’s Jane!

      What’s Jane been drawing? Customers across the room (using a water soluble ink pen & water brush), and a tree across the street.

    Erik also takes advantage of the nearby models – oh! That’s US!

   Bev does the same, catching Penelope & Jane busy sketching.

   Satoko and Ken are so intently looking while they sketch – he, a tree.

   It’s a three minute sketch, Satoko says! Or was that 1 minute…it’s pretty impressive, however you time a quick sketch!


2 responses to “People or Trees? Trees or People?”

  1. Roger Mitchell Avatar
    Roger Mitchell

    Is all this happening because Pot is legal and easily accessible??
    Looks like great fun, XO Rog n Sharon

  2. Jane Avatar

    You couldn’t prove it by us – we use the natural high of good company and sketching!