Playing at Penelope’s

Penelope’s Place, Eugene, OR

1-Pen's kitchen      2-Pen's gpaIt’s always such a treat to go to another artist’s home. Today we were invited to Penelope’s, and appreciated it’s charm – here’s Erik & Jan getting the kitchen tour from Penelope (note the biscotti), and Barb S-N and Ken appreciating Penelope’s grandfather’s painting.

4-Tricia     3-Pen-borders-BarbsTwo of the Barbs (So & S-N) look over Tricia’s sketchbook, then Barbs A & So get treated to a sample of sketch borders by Penelope.

5-Jan-pillow      Jan's pillow sketch Jan was immediately intrigued with the design on a sofa pillow, and captured the design as well as the warmth & charm of the room.

6-Jan-Barbs            7-Jane'sBarbs A & So were intrigued with the design on a bowl, while Jane sketched an orchid & bird on the table (color yet to be added).

8-Erik & models      9-Ken-BarbErik got lost in thought as Ken & Barb S-N chatted. But wait….

10-Erik of Ken-BarbNErik’s fingers flew into action to capture this friendly scene.

allHere’s the crew today: Erik, Ken, Jane, Barb A, Jan, Barb S-N, Barb So, and Tricia – all thanks to our hostess, Penelope, taking the photo.

all-2And here’s Penelope with the gang, thanks to Ken.

In addition to the yummy biscotti & coffee, the warm fellowship, doing interesting sketches, Penelope also gave a demonstration of how she uses computer software to create delightful tiny books. All in all, it was a memorable time!


One response to “Playing at Penelope’s”

  1. Linda Chalberg Avatar
    Linda Chalberg

    How WONDERFUL for you all to be able to gather and share and sketch together! I miss those of you whom I met in Italy. Wish I could join you…..enjoy the new year!