5th St. Market, under cover, Eugene, OR
We’d planned on being outside on the top decks overlooking the patio, but it was RAINING. So we opted for cover options:
Upstairs inside: Hugh, Erik, Marsha, Sandy, Bev, Penny Danita, Ken, Lona, & Danita’s loving husband who was reading. Downstairs under cover: Daisy, Barb Sh, Jim, Serge (with Barb So & Jane there, too).
Work by Daisy, Barb Sh, and Jane – (the seen and not seen).
Work by Jim (2 floor view) & Serge (architecture and coffee cup).
And at table #1 upstairs, work by Hugh and Erik – nice detail.
Work by Marsha, Bev, and Sandy. Nice people captures!
At table #2, Penny & Ken loved having Danita’s husband as a model.
Danita finished off her sketchbook with a 3 color sketch, and Lona did a vibrant sketch of the sign for the new restaurant.