5th St. Market, Eugene, OR
Bev said someone commented that she was never smiling in pictures that were taken of her sketching. Huh, muttered Barb Sh next to her.
So maybe I should give a warning, “Smile!” before I take a picture, Jane said (& even got a giggle out of Barb Sh.)
“Smile!” And they did – Lealan, Ken, Barb So, Barb Sh, & Bev.
But then the serious sketching began – here’s Lealan’s initial sketch of the barista using Tombow markers, and Barb So. with watercolor.
Jane started sketching her almond croissant, went darker, then tackled the photo of multi-colored octopus – more on that later.
Ken, who taught us all to sketch with ink, rediscovered the fun of drawing (first with the left hand) in pencil, then going darker, too.
So did we seriously have fun sketching? Yes! The cats are the proof.