Top Drawers spent Tuesday morning at the 5th Street Market.
JaneBarbSh and JaneDaisy and JaneBarbShJimS and BarbShBarbSH: Pages for Jane’s bookDanitaDanitaHelgaHelgaHelga and KatieKatieKatieLauraLauraLonaLona: Page for Jane’s book.LonaLaura and SatokoBarbSo and KenBitty and PatRSatokoSatoko’s palletteSatokoPeggyPeggyPatWPatWBillBillBIllSatoko, PatR and BarbSoPatRBarbSoBarbSoDaisyDaisyDaisy
Zoom #112
Daisy: Jane’s PartyDaisyDaisySketchbook project for Daisy’s class in March.Bitty on vacation.BittyBittyMarshaMarshaPeggyPeggyRita on around the world tour.RitaRitaBarbSoRita