Barry’s Deli, Eugene, OR
Here’s the herd of cats: Barb So, Jan, Ken, Sandy, Sharon, Barb Sh, Erik, & Penny. Jane (aka, the cat herder) behind camera, Tricia – late!
We started out by catching each other up to date – here Barb Sh shows Jan her sketches from a recent trip to Albuquerque.
Then Jan showed her thumbnail sketch that lead to a ceramic piece.
Ken couldn’t resist adding more color to the sketch he did last week of Erik. Tricia opened her sketchbook to a memory of red peppers.
But Sharon topped it all – her last sketch was from the last time the TDs were here at Barry’s! But look at how the sketch developed.
A look over Erik’s shoulder saw a scene emerge from his memory.
It looked good in color, but then came the black! It was night, he said, and then the drama unfolded. Wow, what an exciting rendition!
Barb Sh showed us a thumbnail she made for a future sketch, but went back to finish one she’d started – images within an image – nice.
Sandy’s eye was caught by trees & the people at nearby tables.
Penny started sketching Sharon at the end of the table (who just wouldn’t hold still!), ending with loose watercolor tree sketch.
It’s always so interesting to watch how Jan’s sketches develop.
And here’s Ken at work, bringing color & depth to his tree sketch.
Jane, who claims not to understand collage, did a page of collected images. Then she wanted to see what Tricia was up to – don’t look!
OK – here’s Tricia’s finished sketch from Mt. Rainier, and her quick sketch from today at Barry’s, too. Another tree! Trees rule. Mostly.