What Storm? What Rain? Sketch on!

Public House, Springfield, OR

    It’s hard get a photo of us all, because people keep coming and going (getting coffee, coming from an appointment, etc.). 1st – Jude, Marsha, Ken, Katie, Daisy, Hugh, Jim, & Laura. 2nd –  Laura, Bev, Bill, Jim, Daisy, Katie, Marsha, Helga, Sandy, Hugh, Ken, Jude.  Below are samples of sketches by all of us, in alphabetical order by first name (because the editor is too rushed to figure out the story otherwise):

        Bev not only does a sweet sketch, she frames it with what’s around – a trellis, and the table! Then on to the stained glass windows- oh boy.

     Bill has a fascination for faces, and what interesting ones he collects!

        Daisy’s getting very adept at drawing and laying in color with colored pencils, but she’s also wondering what she can do to “go darker.”

         Helga starts with the main arch of the wall, then expands it into detail and definition. You can tell that the door is set back from the arch!

        Here you can see Hugh’s clever setup for his water soluble wax crayons – he goes directly to them with water brush, then to paper!

          It’s no surprise that Jane started with the botanical. Then she added a penciled outline of a couple of chairs, & the name of the place above.

        Jim did a quick outline in pencil of the building façade & people in front of it, then watercolor – look for what he doesn’t do…

        Jude was looking at a different wall, caught the lights; worried about the angle of the roofed pier, but Jane said the shadows will make it ok.

          Katie started out with a continuous line drawing – oops, no room for the rest of the flower! But it all turned out just terrific anyway!

      Ken said he just found this old watercolor set so decided to use it! Then he brought out his recent ceramics to show us the glazing.

          Laura started out with one head (Jude), added another person (Sandy), then another (Ken) and the building background – what fun!

        Marsha sent these pics in – sometimes people across from you are just too tempting not to draw! Here’s Jim, Daisy, and Jane. Oblivious.

          And here are some of Marsha’s sketches – didn’t she do them well!

        Sandy was sitting across from her sweetie, Hugh. She says she thinks this is the best she’s ever done of him, and she’s done lots! Yep.

     And Satoko’s back from Japan! She’s so quick – a sketch of the flowers before her, and another of a nearby sketcher (Helga). Way to go!


4 responses to “What Storm? What Rain? Sketch on!”

  1. Erik Johnson Avatar
    Erik Johnson

    Sorry I missed this meeting!
    Jane, your photo coverage is very complete and well done! How dis you have time to do that great drawing as well?
    Hope to see you all next week.

  2. janesanha Avatar

    Thanks, Erik! You were missed. I suspect I uses the photo taking as a breather between sketches, and I do love showing how the sketches evolve with different people. I hope to bring Alexander to the Friday group next week. No Tuesday meeting as it is Christmas day.

  3. Wanda Seamster Avatar
    Wanda Seamster

    Hi. Wanda Seamster. Jude invited me to join. We met Jan. 1 at 3443 Hilyard, but it was closed. So we went to Hidden Bakery and drew together. I hope to meet you other drawers next Tuesday. Say where.

  4. janesanha Avatar

    Marsha and Daisy ended up at Market of Choice sketching! Intrepid sketchers, indeed. I just added you to our email list, so you will get notification of where we’ll be when. Welcome!