We’ve done Teapots before. During the Covid shutdown, Jane established the Top Drawers Roundtable Facebook page so we could stay in touch with each other. While we were stuck at home, Marsha McCloskey started providing drawing prompts for the group. At first it was only going to be for 14 days until the “covid threat” passed. Each morning she chose a simple object or scene in her house to sketch: like shoes, dresser, chair, laundry or teapots. She then posted the drawing and word prompt on the TD Facebook Roundtable. Over the next day or two, other sketchers would post their own versions of the prompt. The results were a delightful array of perception and style.
In 2021, Marsha and Jane put together a book a book including the “covid” drawings from18 of our members. You can still order the book from Blurb:
Top Drawers: Sketching in the Time of Covid by Top Drawers | Blurb Books