Back to the mystery of Cortesia Sanctuary

Cortesia Sanctuary, Eugene, OR

   It’s always a challenge to know where & what to start sketching here. Peggy, Tricia, Laura, and Tricia, Daisy, Satoko get settled in.

      Danita didn’t waste any time when she came in – sketching the garden as seen through the decorative pergola walk supports!

      When Jane wasn’t running around taking pictures of all of us, she was selecting special pieces of the garden to sketch.

      Peggy, who has a background of doing detailed acrylic paintings, is using the Japanese brush to loosen up, and it’s working! Nice.

      There’s Laura! She sketched a decorative gate to the labyrinth, then added nearby plants. And who’s that just beyond her? Marsha!

      Always thinking ahead, Marsha found a secluded apple tree & took a photo of the fruit so she could sit with some of us to sketch it!

      Our hostess, Tricia, has a distinctive sketching style – loose watercolor along with poetic commentary. Always interesting.

   It’s a challenge to find Cortesia, but Daisy made it and did a charming sketch of the garden gate entry, with hints of mystery.

      Satoko took a break in her busy schedule to come sketch with us, & we love watching her watercolor sketches as they develop.

Show & tell time! Laura, Satoko, Jane,Daisy, Tricia, Marsha, Peggy, and Danita line up behind their work on display. What did we see?

      Satoko, Laura, & Daisy lay out their work for viewing. First Tricia’s two sketches with Laura’s two; then Satoko’s lovely watercolors.

      Sketches by Jane & Daisy; Peggy & Marsha; Danita. Great time!

Stress-reduction Sketching

Owen Rose Garden, Eugene, Or

Turns out that sketching is a great way to lessen the effects of stress in these stressful times. Here’s a sample of at home sketching:

   Laura enjoyed exploring watercolor for the daily prompt challenge the group is doing, while Tricia is going for landscape spreads.

      Barbara said she discovered she was wearing a variation on three themes at home – robe, painting gear, gardening – fun way to show it!

Then we got down to work in the Rose Garden: Laura, Jim, Barb Sh, Marsha, Peggy.

     Jane, Marsha, Daisy; Tricia. It takes effort to find us all!

      Laura tried her hand a sketching the benches and the gazebo – quite a challenge! But her final sketch turned out to be quite charming!

      Jim chose a different vantage point from the walkway (& ignored the guys doing yoga on the lawn). Nice depth perspective here!

      Marsha caught the guys doing yoga, a bicyclist & walker, and the tree just beginning to turn fall color (graphite pencil & colored pencil).

      Peggy worked on a tree, too, but this one’s deciduous. And she used Japanese brushes with watercolor for a loose effect. Great effect!

      The Japanese anemones caught Jane’s attention. They were so wispy she just did a light pencil & then watercolor & inked frames.

     Barb Sh assured their wispiness by sketching and watercoloring with her non-dominant hand. What a lovely effect she got!

      Daisy got quite botanical in style (nice!), then did a loose watercolor of them, and a sketch of fellow sketcher Jim from behind. What fun.

      Around the corner, Tricia found some autumn crocus, so she did a whole page dedicated to harbingers of autumn, including notes.

And we closed with show &. tell sharing on a picnic table – it’s always so interesting to see what others have sketched, what techniques and tools they’ve used, how they chose to present the topic.

Back Sketching in the Rose Garden

Owen Rose Garden, Eugene, OR

Sun lovers: Taro, Hugh, Sandy, Jim, Danita, Marsha.

In the shade of the trees: Danita, Peggy, Marsha, Daisy, Laura

      Taro was new to the group, but he fit right in. We all appreciated his graphic approach, starting with a rock & ending with an overpass!

      Hugh is so ambitious – the garden with gazebo with water soluble crayon, and then a black & white building in ink.

      Sandy sketched the gazebo & garden, too, in her small travel sketchbook. Then she went on to sketch the amenable models.

      Jim noticed the metal arches above Sandy’s head. A few light pencil guidelines, and he was off with ink & watercolor. Fantastic!

      The frame format works well for Jane to do some vignettes of various plants in the garden – there are more than roses here!

      Barb So had a hard time choosing a subject, then did a delightful job of sketching kids playing in the gazebo.

    Barb Sh seemed so casual about the whole thing, but click the photo of her work to see how that Tartarian Cherry tree developed!

      Marsha started in the sun – a sketch of the park benches (& turkeys from home) – then she moved into the shade to sketch Danita!

      Danita was thoroughly engrossed in the rose garden, path & tree. Look closely at the size of her brush,  the tip does roses well!

      Barb So looks to see what Peggy is doing – the Tartarian Cherry! She knew she couldn’t get it on on the page, so she focused on the limbs.

      Daisy was annoyed that car repair (not 2 days, but 2 weeks!) kept her from us, but she made up for lost time! Roses, and Danita.

      Laura tried her hand at a loose watercolor of the cherry tree, then she used ink for definition. She also had a sunflower to show us.

Show & tell time! Taro, Peggy, Laura, Jim, Sandy. What a great time.